As part of the Interreg project BITS (Bicycles and Intelligent Transport Systems), the sixth internal project meeting (Steering Group Meeting) took place at the beginning of March. The student project group Bicycle Data presented their recently developed Bicycle Data Dashboard to the public for the first time. As part of a live demo, René Rohde, Simon Czapski and Jan Stüven showed the various potential applications of cycling data. The newly developed dashboard consists of the three core components visualization, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the option to download the raw data from a wide variety of SmartCycling implementations. Data sets of bicycle counting stations, bicycle sensors, apps, near-accidents and bicycle parking from the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and Germany are available. In addition to the visualizations, the European partners took a very interested look to the KPIs as part of the live demonstration: These enable e.g. a better comparison of the amount of cyclists in different European countries and regions. The KPIs will be evaluated in the forthcoming months by the participating European municipalities. The rich cycling data base that the student team has built up and processed in one year time could also be part of the CyclingDataHub, the open portal for bicycle traffic data, which is being developed by the province of Antwerp in the BITS project, in the nearer future. The student project group Bicycle Data is pleased about the positive feedback by external partners. Further details will be presented on the 9th of April, from 2 p.m., as part of the online-based final presentation. In addition to the knowledge gathered from the BITS project, the students will also present their work in the SmartHelm project and the related attention-relevant EEG and EyeTracking data of the helmet. If you are interested to participate in the final presentation please contact Johannes Schering (