The Bicycle Data website that was developed by the student team of the University of Oldenburg (Department of Business Informatics VLBA) as part of the BITS initiative delivers a huge amount of processed cycling data to the CyclingDataHub and all interested stakeholders. The development of the website included a lot of specific working steps as the implementation of a data storage system or the development of an Application Programming Interface (API) to connect the data base with the website and to make cycling data available to the general public. To share the most important learnings during these working steps in the creation process with the scientific community, a new article entitled The BITS Project – Making cycling data available and comparable on a European scale was published in the most recent volume of the Transportation Research Procedia which is an open access product focusing entirely on publishing full sets of conference proceedings.
Besides a general overview about the BITS project and its implementations in the whole North Sea Region, an overview about the components of the Bicycle Data website to make cities comparable in terms of bicycle use or cycling satety is given. The article and its most important results were presented to the scientific audience at the Living and Walking in Cities Conference (LWC2021). The full text of the article which is part of the special issue “New scenarios for safe mobility in urban areas – Proceedings of the XXV International Conference Living and Walking in Cities (LWC 2021), September 9-10, 2021, Brescia, Italy” is available as Open Source and can be downloaded here.
Schering, J.; Marx Gómez, J. (2022). The BITS Project – Making cycling data available and comparable on a European scale. In: Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 60, pp. 424-431. ISSN 2352-1465. (